Passers Between the Passing Words


Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish

Passers Between the Passing Words by Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish

O those who pass between fleeting words

carry your names, and be gone

Rid our time of your hours, and be gone

Steal what you will from the blueness of the sea

And the sand of memory

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Take what pictures you will, so that you understand

That which you never will:

How a stone from our land builds the ceiling of our sky


From you steel and fire, from us our flesh

From you yet another tank, from us stones

From you teargas, from us rain…


It is time for you to be gone

Live wherever you like, but do not live among us

It is time for you to be gone

Die wherever you like, but do not die among us

For we have work to do in our land


So leave our country

Our land, our sea

Our wheat, our salt, our wounds

Everything, and leave

The memories of memory

those who pass between fleeting words!


Mahmoud Darwish, Passers Between the Passing Words, 1988.

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