After much dispute and heated argument, with e-petitions to and fro and demonstrations, the NTC finally chose not to impose a quota for female representation. However, the High National Election Commission did decide that for the 80 seats... Read more
New Study reveals the critical importance of translation as an instrument to combat ‘the clash of ignorance’ between societies on the two shores of the Mediterranean. Brussels, 27th June 2012 – Policies in favour of increasing translation of... Read more
By Iqbal Tamimi The National Union of Algerian journalists announced Tuesday, 26 June 2012, that the court of Annaba (600 km east of Algiers) sentenced a female journalist working at the regional newspaper (Akher Saa) “The last... Read more
The unnamed man, alongside a 19-year old Syrian, was caught by an undercover CID officer in the UAE capital attempting to sell 20g of the illegal drug
Read moreBy Iqbal Tamimi Baker Atyani, a Jordanian reporter working for the television channel al-Arabiya, is being held captive by the militant leader Radullan Saheron on an island in the southern Philippines
Read moreBy Iqbal Tamimi Cartoonists in Egypt are contributing to this stage of Egyptian politics with humorous illustrations. In this illustration circulated on line, someone is asking a belly dancer, named Lawahez, about her future and what is she... Read more
At the Slade Research Centre, 21 to 29 June, 2012, a controversial exhibition is going on as part of the London Festival of Photography 2012, drawing on original archive material unearthed by a team of Human Rights Watch during the... Read more
By Iqbal Tamimi It seems that the Saudi media rhetoric regarding reform and claims of reconsidering women’s human rights are mere sedative promises. Women are still treated like minors and men are still seen as predators. Saudi... Read more
By Iqbal Tamimi The Jordanians who are criticized with their gloomy nature seemed to surprise everybody when they suddenly turned with a collective sense of humour following a row that broke between members of the Parliament
Read moreThis caricature by Saudi artist Abdelkareem Elhlayel reflects the attempts of Saudi mainstream media to cover the fact that women in Saudi Arabian media are almost invisible
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