إقبال التميمي مديرة المرصد الإعلامي للصحفيات العربيات في بريطانيا ومحررة موقع جورنومانيا المعني بأخبار الصحفيات العربيات والإعلام العربي
AWMWC online magazine is an alternative source of news, established by Iqbal Tamimi, Founder and Director of Arab Women Media Watch Centre in the UK, to...
Ireneusz Grunt April 14, 2016
I am a third-year student at Middlesex University. As one of my project for journalism classes, I decided to write pieces about citizen journalism. Inspired by Point of view project created by B’Tselem I would like to write about women as a citizen journalists in this project. That is why I am writing to you to ask for your help. I have a couple of questions about female journalists in the Arabic world. Would you like to help me, answering couple of my questions via email
Iqbal Tamimi September 14, 2016
Hi Irene
Please email your questions to