Syria in Transit Photography, Sound and Video Exhibition in London
Sat 23 August – Sat 6 September
Free / at Lower Café Gallery
‘Syria in Transit’ is a photography, sound and video exhibition which documents the stories of Syrians remaining on the edge of war in Turkey and those attempting the dangerous journey across Europe to the UK.
Since the conflict began in April 2011 over three million Syrians have fled their country. Over a third have been forced to crossed the border into neighbouring Turkey where they now work in the fields and factories, living in temporary tent cities, cheap hotels and vacant buildings. They wait in the hope that soon they can soon return home and rebuild the lives they left. Others, however, choose to undertake the long and dangerous journey into Europe. Their route over land and sea, from detention camps to police cells, through a litany of European cities is always driven by a hope that a better future is waiting for them in the United Kingdom.
‘Syria in Transit’ is a collaboration between British producer Jon Davis and Turkish photographer Kemal Vural Tarlan. Through their extensive research in Turkey, Calais and the UK, Jon and Vural reveal the hope and desperation of the lives lived in transit.
TANDEM – Cultural Managers Exchange Turkey- European Union is an initiative of the European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam), MitOst (Berlin), Anadolu Kültür (Istanbul), and supported by Stiftung Mercator (Essen). ‘Syria in Transit’ is support by LIFT (London) and Kirkayak Arts Centre (Gaziantep).