The Iraqis to pay the Americans $ 400 million in compensations for ill-treatment
No, this is not a joke neither it is an editorial error. The story is genuine and has been published and confirmed by state owned newspapers in Iraq. The happy news says it has been found out that some USA nationals will be getting compensation of $ 400 million from the Iraqis, because they were allegedly being victims of ill-treatment while being arrested by Iraqi forces during the Gulf war 1990-1991.
The Iraqi parliament has approved on Saturday, April 30, 2011 this convention of compensating a number of Americans who allegedly accused the Iraqi forces of subjecting them to harsh treatment during the Gulf War 1990-1991. They claimed some of them were used as human shields and others were subjected to ill-treatment.
Washington in its turn welcomed this ratification by the Iraqi Parliament and the U.S. embassy announced in a statement that the adoption of this agreement is “an important step in our bilateral relations and our efforts to make the terrible legacy of Saddam’s regime something from the past.”
I have never ever in my entire life regretted not being able to swear before this moment. I have discovered on this occasion that some swearing will do the world a great deal of good since it might resuscitate the dead international conscious back to life.
Who is supposed to compensate the other? The Americans attacked the Iraqis on their own soil, not the other way round. The Iraqis did not knit malignant schemes and created fake information about arms of mass destruction to take over the American oil fields. The Iraqis did not steal the resources of USA or destroyed its infrastructure; the Iraqis did not create the illusions of a fake terror in USA to justify its aggression. The Iraqis were not responsible for creating new titles for one million women, transferring them from the happily married category to the widowed category. The Iraqis did not make 4 million child orphans, but USA did. Who is supposed to compensate the other?
The USA should compensate its own people because most of the soldiers sent to Iraq were poor and uneducated. They were utilized by the “USA ruling elite” as “cannon fodder” to protect their wealth and interests. They were duped by making them believe that they are “heroes” and “patriots”.
Dr. Siegwart Horst-Gunther, authored a 1996 book titled, “URANIUM PROJECTILES – SEVERELY MAIMED SOLDIERS, DEFORMED BABIES, DYING CHILDREN. The book is a documentary record of the depleted urnaium ammunition that deformed Iraqi babies between 1993 and 1995. The book has been censored in the USA. Dr. Gunther also has in his possesion additional photographs from his unpublished collection which feature the birth deformities being experienced by USA Iraqi war veterans’ children as well. You can see some of those horrible pictures on this link{jcomments on} . Dr. Gunther has given permission for his pictures to be treated as ‘Public Domain’ and copyright free. Please reproduce them and distribute them as widely as possible and remember whose responsibility to compensate both, the Americans and the Iraqies.