Arab man’s moustache is no more a sign of control

Illustration by Saudi caricaturist Rabeea, shows that women are in control

The Moustache is a sign of manhood in the Arab Region and more so in the GCC. And old Arab proverb once professed “every moustache has its scissors,” an indication that behind every moustache is a respectable male deserving of the utmost respect.

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When describing the extent of one’s manhood, Arabs use the description ‘He has a big moustache that a Falcon can land on’.

Things has changed in the Arab World and men are not the sole controllers of  the family decision making, especially following women’s emancipation caused by a boom of education and women’s entry to the job market that offered them financial independence.

Illustrations by Saudi caricaturist Rabeea, shows that women are in control, by showing a woman dragging her husband from the moustache, the symbol of manhood, even though he is still enjoying that image of a falcon landing on his huge moustache. 

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  1. s’informer ici January 21, 2015

    Merci, ah ! voilà un article éclairé !

  2. l’adresse March 24, 2015

    Merci, je n’y avait même pas pensé. Parfait !

  3. ce lien April 7, 2015

    Merci grandement pour vos découvertes !

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