Swedish Minister for Trade emphasizes the great potentials that the Egyptian-Swedish trade relations offer
Swedish Trade Minister: “There is a great potential in developing the trade relations between Sweden and Egypt”
Speaking during the Egyptian-Swedish Textile Seminar in Gothenburg, Swedish Minister for Trade, Ewa Björling emphasized the great potentials that the Egyptian-Swedish trade relations offer.
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“I believe international trade has an important role to play in these challenging times. For Sweden, free trade is cornerstone of our foreign and trade policy. Swedish prosperity is built on international trade and the ability of our companies to compete on global markets”, she says.
The event, which gathered over 40 experts and entrepreneurs from the Swedish and Egyptian textile sector, took place from 16 to 17 February in Gothenburg in order to explore ways of collaboration and open new market for the Egyptian cotton and ready-made garments.
As a way to understand more the Swedish market and standards, participants had a number of field visits to one of the most famous Swedish Department Stores like Nordstan Shopping Center and Nordiska Kompaniet (NK). In addition, they visited Borås, the textile hub of Sweden with half of the countrie’s textile production, and where they met with numerous textile importers as well as fashion companies and textile organizations.
“I was really impressed by the high capacity that the Egyptian companies show in the textile field. “, said Ms. Ingrid Lang, representative of Prima Salto in Sweden.
From his side Mr. Hammam Abdel Khalek, representative of the Arab Development Company, said: “This networking meeting was very fruitful for the Egyptian companies. We have made very interesting contacts with the Swedish side, which should lead to concrete business in the near future”
The Egyptian textile delegation to Gothenburg is one of the initiatives launched by the Swedish Embassy in Cairo and the Swedish Trade Council in order to enhance Trade relations between Egypt and Swedish.