{jcomments on} Three Gulf-based businessmen have been named in the Queen Elizabeth II’s Birthday Honours list, which was announced on Saturday. Robert Schwarz, Anthony Palys and Emad Turkman were honoured for services to British... Read more
{jcomments on}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbNfnnKEDmg MRN flim screening: ‘Son of Babylon’ dir Mohamad Ad Diriadji with Yasser Talib and Shazada Hussein. Migrants’ Rights Network, The British Film Institute, The Runnymede... Read more
What on earth has got into Dr. Taj Hargey, imam of the Oxford Islamic Congregation and the Chairman of Muslim Education Centre of Oxford? I could not believe my eyes when a received an email about their ‘burqa banning celebration’ event... Read more
{jcomments on} The exhibition of ‘Arabick Roots’ launched today at The Royal Society in London, is a surprising revelation of connections between the pioneer Arab-Muslim scholars and seventeenth century Britain’s greatest scholars and... Read more
{jcomments on} Journomania has received an alarming email from the Hood Organization for Defending Rights and Freedom, attached with horrendous pictures of human corpses disintegrating on the streets of Yemen and requesting help in removing... Read more
{jcomments on} Maram Nasser Ashtiyeh, a student at the secondary school for girls at the Palestinian city of Salfit in the northern part of the West Bank, discovered a new theory in mathematics
Read more{jcomments on} HRH Princess Basma, chairperson of the Jordan Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) Board of Trustees and HE Senator Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman and CEO of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) discussed ways of... Read more
{jcomments on} Outraged over the maltreatment of one of its female representatives by members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, the religious police known as (Haia), the German Tourism Commission withdrew... Read more
{jcomments on} Iman al-Obeidi , the Libyan woman who claimed that members of the security forces of the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, raped her, and her story received wide media attention, said that she was beaten in Qatar. She has been... Read more