Jeddah Atelier organizes the second gallery for young Saudi artists
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By Iqbal Tamimi
The Jeddah Atelier for Fine Arts will conclude its activities for this year next Wednesday June 22, 2011 by exhibiting the second gallery for young artists under the age of 36, sponsored by the Saudi Ministry of Culture and Information.
The exhibition held in cooperation between the Ministry of Culture and Media and the Jeddah Atelier will be inaugurated by Mr. Abdullah Altazi , Director of Culture and Arts Society in Jeddah.
The Exhibition has been previously held in Riyadh aiming to showcase the largest amount of works of arts for the public.
In this exhibition 65 artists will be involved, showing nearly 100 works of art of paintings, photography and sculptures, chosen by the judges, Dr. Adel Tharwat, a professor at the Faculty of Education, King Saud University, the artist Samir Daham, artist Usman Alkhozaim and artist Dr. Alaa El Din Mohamed Hasan, professor at the University King Saud University.
The jury awarded prizes to the artists: Fahad Alnoima ,Sedeq Wasil, Seema Abdulhai, Turfah Alomar and Raed Tokhais.