The Yemeni authorities are claimed to have Kidnaped a female activist in Sana’a
The National Security Agency, which is managed and directed by one of the relatives of the Yemeni President, Ali Abdullah Saleh,is claimed to have abducted a female activist from what is called the ‘Change Yard’ in Sana’a, few days ago.
The abducted activist was hidden somewhere unidentified. ‘The Joint Meeting’ described this harassment of female activists as contradicting the Constitution, the laws and customs and traditions of the Yemeni conservative community.
The kidnapping of the female Yemeni activist ‘Badriya Gillan’ happened after she has left ‘the yard of change’. This is not the first incident of aggression against women. There are amble of documented literature of attacking, kidnappings, abuse and libel directed by the system against female Yemeni journalists, doctors and activists.