Part of ethical journalism is to practice what we preach. For that reason it is unsettling to see BBC contradicting its messages aired in hundreds of reports about protecting the environment and still produce shows in a way that does not... Read more
The only awards dedicated to the work of freelance cameramen and camerawomen in news and current affairs are now open! Entries are invited in the following three categories: Rory Peck Award for News: Honours the work of freelance cameramen... Read more
There is a significant amount of research showing that people of color are more often involved in traffic stops than white drivers. But it is not yet known how much of this may be due to racial discrimination and how much of a role is played... Read more
This week we look at how news organisations are reporting on international news, using Periscope and Snapchat. You can listen to the audio HERE
Read moreJournalism, Representation and the Public Sphere Within Urban Media Studies, current research on media practices in urban space is by and large informed by a phenomenological conceptualization of space directly derived from traditional... Read more
“Interesting if true” is the old line about some tidbit of unverified news. Recast as “Whoa, if true” for the Twitter age, it allows people to pass on rumors without having to perform even the most basic fact-checking — the equivalent of a... Read more
Data Journalism: a preliminary analysis of form and content. Abstract: More than two years ago Sir Tim Berners-Lee made the pronouncement that “Journalists need to be data-savvy … but now it’s also going to be about poring over... Read more
Tracking impact: NewsLynx goes beyond Google Analytics to measure a story’s path in the real world. The new tool, developed at Columbia, aims to help newsrooms measure the qualitative and quantitative impact of their stories after publication... Read more
Photo by Iqbal Tamimi Coverage to fill information gap on food and hunger issues The new Thomson Reuters/FAO global food security news platform aims to fill the information gap on food and hunger issues. 15 October 2014, Rome – The... Read more