Euromoney Saudi Arabia Conference 2014

 H.E. Dr Shwaish Al-Dowaihy, Minister of Housing of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

H.E. Dr Shwaish Al-Dowaihy, Minister of Housing of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

H.E. Dr Shwaish Al-Dowaihy, Minister of Housing of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will speak on the opening morning of Tuesday 6 May addressing rhe Euromoney Saudi 2014 Conference.

He will be joined by Mr Mohamed Al-Mady, Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Saudi Basic Industries Corp. (SABIC), one of the world’s largest petrochemicals manufacturers. Mr Ambroise Fayolle, Chief Executive Officer of Agence France Trésor, the French government debt agency, will be joining the international line-up of speakers.

Please click here for the updated agenda.

To apply for your free* place please select one of the following:

Apply online inserting your promotion code EM6

2) Download the apllication Form and return it to us ir email

3) Email your full details to us, quoting your promotion code EM6

For further information you can email Richard Banks the  Director of the Saudi Conference

For speaking opportunities please contact Tara Hosseini on email: or call+44 (0) 20 7779 8488.

For sponsorship queries please contact Mohamed Kharboush on email: or call+44 (0) 20 7779 8149.

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