Libyan Women’s Vigil For Reconciliation
An awareness campaign and candle lit vigil together with The Free Generation Movement and Lawyers For Justice for reconciliation in Libya on a very historical day in Libya’s history. The anniversary of Tripoli’s Liberation, the 20th day of Ramadan and the passover from The NTC to the National Congress.
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After the many retaliations, personal revenge cases and human rights violations witnessed in the aftermath of the revolution, from both sides, the people of Libya are calling for justice, reconciliation and rule of law to progress forward, united as one Libya.
“National Reconciliation is about Justice. Its about the rejection of the punishment of whole communities based on the actions of it’s individuals”
“It is for generations to come; after the court cases , after the trials and long after the prison sentences. It is for tomorrow , not for Today.” – FGM
The Free generation movement were activist during the revolution and now continue their work in Civil Society.
LFJL is an independent non-governmental organisation of Libyan lawyers and its diaspora dedicated to defending and promoting justice in Libya through the promotion of human rights, the rule of law and democracy.
8th August 2012- Vigil For Reconciliation – Free Generation Movement and Lawyers For Justice – from Naziha Arebi on Vimeo.