Palestinian theatrical writer Valantina Abu Oqsa discusses women in Israeli jails in Sweden

Palestinian theatrical script writer valantina abu Oqsa

The Palestinian  theatrical play writer and actor, Valantina Abu Oqsa, joins an international conference in Sweden to discuss her theatrical text,  “ANA HURRA-I AM FREE “, through  her work she manages to bring the Israeli jails and their harsh interrogation of Palestinian women to the theatrical stage. Her play is about  rounds of investigation sessions held in the  dungeons Israeli jails, Based on testimonies and true stories of detained Palestinian women.The Palestinian actor, Eyad Shetty, plays the role of the interrogator.

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The Swedish conference received the texts of 612 plays, submitted to be part of the WPIC 2012. And took a year to decide on the most suitable and relevant texts to choose for the discussion. “I am Free”, the play written by Valantina Abu Oqsa have been selected with other 100 plays – from 30 counters –   to be part of the  (Women Writers International Conference).

The conference committee formed of play writers, directors and critics who have deep knowledge and  long  theatrical experience from different countries who have written scripts in different languages . The conference is held once every three years and this ninth session will held in Stockholm this summer.

 Abu Oqsa has been invited to read parts of her play, and share a presentation of her theatrical experience as an actor and a script writer.

The Palestinian activist and artist Valantina Abu Oqsa   chose the title “I am Free”   for the play that she finished writing in 2010 , produced January 2011, after a long time of devoted research and studying the movement of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli occupation jails.  She met a number of released female and male prisoners belonging to different Palestinian factions, documented and recorded their testimonies and details of their stories, and toured  different Palestinian cities, towns and villages before writing her work. 

Abu Oqsa  continues to harvest the fruit in her  theatrical career, which started since 1987. 

Presenting the facts and in the accuracy of its dialogue, performance and directing. 

To know more about Valantina you can use this link:

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1 Comment

  1. Virtual Private Servers May 13, 2017

    He is a recurring writer in residence and advisory board member for the Palestine Writing Workshop. Abu Oqsa creates a theatre experience that is derived from the Palestinian reality through studies and in-depth research that lasted almost one year and culminated in interviews with several former Palestinian male and female political prisoners, documenting the experiences to the tiniest detail, delving into the unknown and revealing facts, constituting a precedent in the Palestinian theater and for the Palestinian prisoners in general.

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