Event: Witness Palestine – Living under Occupation & Blockade

Join Caabu and Labour Friends of Palestine (LFPME) in Parliament for a panel discussion looking at the impact of the occupation of Palestine on young people and the policy approach the Labour Party should adopt to support moves towards peace in the region.

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The panel have all taken part in Caabu delegations to Palestine:

Chair: Richard Burden MP (Chair of All Party Parliamentary Group on Palestine and LFPME Vice Chair)

Sadiq Khan MP (Shadow Justice Secretary)

Margaret Curran MP (Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland)

Ben Bradshaw MP (Former Culture Secretary and Middle East Minister)

Lisa Nandy MP (PPS to the Shadow Cabinet Member for the Olympics)

When: 7:30pm, Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Where: Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House, London, SW1A

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to: info@lfpme.org 

Follow and join the discussion on Twitter with our #WitnessPalestine hashtag.

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