TUC has declared a fight
Trades Union Congress in UK (TUC) has rolled its sleeves along with the Trade Union of Journalists (NUJ) to fight against gender discrimination. The first round involves asking the most obvious question ‘Where are all the Women?’
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Clearly TUC and NUJ are determined to expose ‘Sexism in the Media industry’ in UK. We are looking forward to shaming all those who adopt policies that excludes women from decision making posts.
For that aim TUC has joined forces with NUJ by organising a fight back plan that would start by an NUJ public meeting on Wednesday 14 March 7pm in London at TUC women’s conference that will take place at TUC Congress House, Great Russell Street in London. The venue address and map are here
All are welcome – so please feel free to join us and forward this invitation to whoever is interested in joining the fight. If you would like to suggest speakers or help out with the event please email: campaigns@nuj.org.uk