The Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Palestine will attend send off fire engines to Nablus

{jcomments on}Please come along on Monday 3rd October for 9.30am outside the Scottish Parliament.  The Minister for External Affairs – Fiona Hyslop MSP – together with other MSPs and supporters will be there for the send off and wishing the drivers well.  The Fire Brigades Union has raised the funds to buy the fire engines and equipment together with assistance from many other individuals and organisations.

They deserve out cheers as they set out on this long drive to meet fellow firefighters in Nablus.

The FBU group,(5 drivers) ably assisted by many, many sponsors will be leaving from Dundee at 7am on Monday the 3rd Oct to deliver  2 fire Appliances plus 150 sets of fire gear, 20 breathing apparatus sets plus cylinders, 150 pairs of fire boots and 100 pairs of gloves, to Nablus in Palestine. They will travel to the Scottish Parliament where they will receive a parliamentary send-off before driving to Newcastle to meet with the FBU President Alan Mclean. The team will then embark on the first ferry crossing of their journey, before passing through the Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia and Greece where they will travel by ship from Athens to Haifa in Palestine, Israel, Palestine.

The equipment will be passed on to the Nablus Municipality Fire Department for their use. The team will then hope to make their way back via Tel Aviv and Luton to various parts of Scotland.

The journey can be followed on;

Twitter,  ‘                               @roadtonablus’

And Facebook


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