The harvest of citizen journalism in Syria on 9/11

On 9/11 Syrian citizen journalists captured the following in different cities of Syria, including a mass grave of prisoners  found in Damascus


1. Homs:  Shabeeha shot at people when they got out from Al-Ansar mosque in Karm Al-Zaitoon. 9-Sep-2011

2. Damascus Countryside: presence of Security forces in AlKaswah. 9-Sep-2011


3. Deir ez-Zor: Buses of Security forces passing in Al-Takaya street. 9-Sep-2011


4. Damascus: Shabeeha are attacking people in Almidan 9-Sep-2011


5. Damascus Countryside: A stationed sniper  in Hammoriyah 9-Sep-2011


6.Hamah: Massive presence of Security forces in Al-Asi Square 9-Sep-2011


7. Damascus: A Mass grave of prisoners was found in Damascus. 9-Sep-2011


8.Homs: Tanks presence in Bab A-Dareib and Bab Alsbaa’ 9-Sep-2011


9. Homs: Injures by gunfire shooting in Bab Al-Dareib 9-Sep-2011


10. Damascus: Security forces and Shabeeha are attacking people in Zein Alabedin mosque 9-Sep-2011


11. Hamah: Martyr Belal Helal Ramadan 8-Sep-2011


12. Homs: An unkown martyr is thrown on the street. 8-Sep-2011


13. Hamah:  The effects of torture are clear on a prisoner’s body. 8-Sep-2011


14. Deir ez-Zor: Al-Assad gangs’ Terror 9-sep-2011

15. Homs: Karm-Alzaitoon: Al-Assad gangs are shooting at the prayers  9-sep-2011


16.  Damascus : Zamalka:  An injured man on International observe Friday 9-sep-2011


17. Idlib:  Jabal ALzawiyah: The martyres: Muhannad Houreia and Muhammad Harmoosh 8-Sep-2011


18 .Homs: Bab Al-draieb: Martyr: Abd Al Razaq Shaker Al Masri 9-sep-2011


19. Homs: Alkhaldiya: Some injures by security forces gunfire on International observe Friday shooting p.1 9-sep-2011


20. Homs: Alkhaldiya: Some injures by security forces gunfire on International observe Friday shooting p.2 9-sep-2011


21. Homs: Alkhaldiya: Some injures by security forces gunfire on International observe Friday p.3   9-sep-2011


22. Homs: Alkhaldiya: The child Rabee’ Aroub, 10 years old, Was killed by Al-Assad gangs’ fires on International observe Friday 9-Sep-2011




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