Yvonne Ridley speaks to the families of the victims of rape in prison in Morocco


{jcomments on}Yvonne Ridley carrying her Palestinian passport/Credit Iqbal Tamimi

British-born, award-winning journalist and human rights activist Yvonne Ridley has visited Morocco to speak with the families of the brothers who were raped in the prison there.

The lawyers report of the rape of four prisoners was emailed out recently by Leila Stuart who wrote demanding that the reality of prison treatment in Morocco needs to be exposed and requested of all people to write to the Moroccan embassy and complain about these human rights violations, and make clear that all intend to boycott Morocco as a holiday destination until justice prevails.

Yvonne Ridley became an AWMW member (Arab Women Media Watch) last year following her visit to Gaza, where she was granted a Palestinian citizenship and offered a Palestinian passport in recognition of her hard work in journalism, campaigning and defending the rights of Palestinians.


Ridley is well known in the Muslim world for her outspoken views and defence of Islam. She reverted to Islam 30 months after making international headlines when she was captured by the Taleban on an undercover assignment in Afghanistan. She was a senior reporter of the Sunday Express at the time, having spent nearly 10 years in Fleet Street working for several prestige titles including The Sunday Times, The Observer, Daily Mirror and Independent on Sunday.




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