The Moroccan ambassador assaults and beats a Palestinian woman inside the embassy


{jcomments on}An archival photo of the Moroccan Ambassador in the Palestinian Authorities


“Alshulaa newspaper” reporter in Palestine claims the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco for the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah has attacked a Jerusalemite Palestinian old man and his wife while they were at the embassy, when they came to apply for a visit visa to Morocco.  Alshulaa News reporter claims the Palestinian couple were beaten, insulted and verbally abused by the Moroccan ambassador.


The 60 years old Palestinian man visited the Moroccan embassy accompanied by his wife to apply for a visa to visit a relative in Morocco. They carried with them his formal invitation, and all the documents needed including the visit invitation issued and stamped by the Foreign Ministry in Morocco.

The couple arrived at the Moroccan embassy in Ramallah at 9:00am. An embassy employee requested of them to sit in a room. Minutes later the Ambassador arrived and asked them about their reason of visiting Morocco, then he told them his decision of refusal, saying ‘no visits, no tourism!!’

The source pointed out that the ambassador got angry when the couple placed the documents that included the invitation signed by the Moroccan Foreign Ministry in front of him. He asked them to sign the documents from the Foreign Ministry in Casablanca. But the couple brought to his attention that the documents were already officially stamped from the Foreign office in Casablanca.

The Palestinian man said : “I told the Ambassador I want to visit an Arab country, why all these procedures, the Ambassador was furious, he ordered his guards to drag me out of the building, he was very angry. He chased me out of the building and began cursing me and my wife and swearing at us. He was verbally abusive, and suddenly he slapped me on my face, while the guards were holding me. Then he beat my wife because she protested and tried to prevent him from attacking me. He kicked her by his feet, leaving her with bruises; he repeated that again and again, my wife was beaten by the Ambassador three times. “

The source said, based on the statements of the victim,  the Moroccan ambassador, “not only he attacked the couple, he also chased them right to the guard’s room,  and continued his verbal assaults and obscene insults to them until   a police force arrived and took  the couple away out of the embassy.”


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1 Comment

  1. ビルケンシュトック ビルキー ウッドビー/ビルケンシュトック クロッグ サボ April 11, 2014

    Legend That May Be Fearful Of men.

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