A «Facebook» campaign demanding tougher punishment of child rapists in Saudi Arabia

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Saudi Campaign demanding tougher punishments for child molesters

Saudi journalist Hussein Bin Mossad has created a Facebook campaign entitled “Children without harassment,” demanding tougher punishments for child molesters and rapists, following an increase of child molesting incidents, rape and sexual abuse of minors in Saudi Arabia.


The campaign came after a rape incident in Jeddah, which sparked outrage.

The founder of this Facebook Page says the main objective of the campaign is to address the lenient punishments of those criminals abusing the children, pointing out that the bulk of the news already published about such crimes stipulated penalties lashing and prison for short periods, indicating that such crimes are as serious as the crime of adultery and sodomy that are treated by severe punishment reaching death.

He demanded of his page visitor to demand tougher laws and he made available some tips for children about how to deal with strangers.




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