Caabu appalled by continued violence in Syria and urges immediate end to repression

Caabu, The Council for Arab-British Understanding, has expressed its horror at the aggressive and lethal tactics of the Syrian security forces against demonstrators across Syria .

On yet another bloody Friday, Syrian forces have reportedly killed another 9 Syrians making a reported total of 850 fatalities since demonstrations began.  During this time thousands have been arrested, beaten up and tortured.


Chris Doyle, the Director of Caabu commented that “the repeated use of such lethal force in nearly every major city of Syria is an outrage and has undermined the regime in the eyes of Syrians everywhere.  There has to be a complete cessation of such repressive measures, the release of all political prisoners and credible investigations into what happened. These should be just some of the first steps in major reforms that are long, long, long overdue.  Syria is a fantastic country, with an extraordinary historical and cultural heritage and above all a talented, brilliant and friendly people. They deserve much better than this.  The international community should consider further actions to ensure that the entire Syrian regime understands fully that this is totally unacceptable.”





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