GREEN MARKET PLACE in Brussels – a West Midlands European Service Event


The Green Market Place event will offer the West Midlanders the opportunity to apply for European Funding to deliver transnational environmental projects. Through this event, it would be possible to develop a project proposal and find a European partner.



As part of the European Union’s Green Week (24 – 27 May) 2011, West Midlands European Service will be hosting the networking event “Green Market Place”.  The purpose of this event is to help people develop their project proposals and help find European partners by networking with like minded individuals.  The event will look at the LIFE+, Eco-Innovation and FP7 Environment funds and showcase best practice case studies.  The experience and knowledge of the West Midlands European Service team will also be offered.  While being in Brussels it would be a great opportunity to take advantage of the other Green Week events and continue networking.

To reserve a place at this event, there is an online registration form to complete here!

The good news is, for the 5 most innovative projects registered, financial support up to the value of £250 will be available for your trip to Brussels.

Sophia Wolsey, PR & Marketing Officer at West Midlands European Service, warned that places are limited and are only confirmed on receipt of the registration form. She added that the full agenda and venue details will be revealed after registration.



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